Monday, May 16, 2011

Going Commando

Sure I'll put off studying for finals to set up a travel blog for my trip to Spain.

Only one final, one paper and 4 days and 16 hours stand between me and the Iberian Peninsula.

If I were to write a tweet about this, it would say: #thatawkwardmomentwhen you try to start off a blog, but have nothing to write about.

I left Theta today. That was weird. I kept walking around and looking for stuff to do, but everything in my room was packed up, and my friends were studying. I've decided that goodbyes just aren't my thing. Today, anyone that asked if I was coming back before my trip was told I'd be back before my final on Thursday. But that was a total lie until i realized i left my entire drawer of bras and underwear... oops. It looks like i'll be back! Europe does seem to be a country where it is more acceptable to go au naturale, but I don't think i'd dig it....

On that note, I'll leave you with a picture of some mosaic benches by Gaudí located in Parc Guell. In just a few days, I'll be surrounded by his work.

1 comment:

  1. You're lucky, I'd give anything to go back and visit Toledo again! That was probably my favorite place when I visited last summer. Hope you're having a good time!
