Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A little catching up to do...

Since there is not point in trying to keep this thing up today date, I'm going to fill in here with some of the cool things i've done/seen lately...

La Sagrada Familia.

Antoni Gaudi designed the church, and started construction in 1882. The construction is still underway,but completion is estimated to be in 2026, near the 100 year anniversary of Gaudi's death. (He was killed by a tram1926, and is now buried in church crypt.)

The building has three different facades; the nativity facade, the passion facade and the glory facade, and each with a portal representing faith, hope and love. There will be 18 towers in total. Currently, the tallest is... actually, I'm probably butchering these facts. If you're interested, here's an informational website


The photos don’t do it justice. The only way to really see how intricate and extravagant this building is, would be to visit!


This was a bar we visited that was super “cool” (pardon the ridiculously bad pun.) The bar was made completely of ice!! The room is kept at a bone chilling -11 degrees Celsius.

When you enter the bar, they give you a coat and gloves to wear, and then you’re on your own.

The cups are even made of ice!

They played videos of penguins and polar bears to go along with the theme.

It probably wasn’t the best idea to wear a skirt that night… The average visit lasts about 45 minutes, I’m pretty sure I made it about 25 before I didn’t have feeling in my toes, and couldn’t do it anymore.


It seems a little strange to follow La Sagrada with a Bar, but hey! Heres a picture of the Sagrada Ice Sculpture!

This was a bar we visited that was super “cool” (pardon the ridiculously bad pun.) The bar was made completely of ice!! The room is kept at a bone chilling -11 degrees Celsius.

When you enter the bar, they give you a coat and gloves to wear, and then you’re on your own.

The cups are even made of ice!

They played videos of penguins and polar bears to go along with the theme.

It probably wasn’t the best idea to wear a skirt that night… The average visit lasts about 45 minutes, I’m pretty sure I made it about 25 before I didn’t have feeling in my toes, and couldn’t do it anymore

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